The Path to Canadian Residency | Calculate Your PR Score and Make It a Reality
Are you eager to start a new chapter of your life in Canada? The land of maple syrup, breathtaking landscapes, and diverse cultural experiences awaits you. But before you embark on this exciting journey, it's crucial to understand the path to Canadian residency and calculate your PR (Permanent Residency) score. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process, requirements, and steps to make your dream of becoming a Canadian resident a reality. What is Permanent Residency and Why is It Important? Becoming a permanent resident of Canada is a significant milestone for individuals seeking to settle in the country for the long term. Permanent residents enjoy numerous benefits, including access to healthcare, education, social services, and employment opportunities. Moreover, they have the option to apply for Canada Citizenship Calculator after fulfilling certain criteria. Understanding the concept of permanent residency is vital to navigate through the Canadian immigr...